ZX UDG Sprites

Creates UDG sprites (modified ASCII)

ZX Text (JavaScript)

File name:

Start address:

Last address:

Code length:

SAVE "Sprites" CODE 64600,768


Click on a demo image or drop your image on the target.


Available sizes:

Sprites height Characters size Image size
1 char 1x96 768x8
2 chars 2x48 384x16
3 chars 3x32 256x24
4 chars 4x24 192x32
5 chars 5x20 160x40
6 chars 6x16 128x48
7 chars 7x14 112x56
8 chars 8x12 96x64
The goal of these sprites is to be printed as characters.
  1. Click on a demo or drop your image on the target zone.
  2. Select address if needed.
  3. Click on "Create TAP".
  4. Click on "Download TAP".

Essential commands:

10 CLEAR 64599: REM reserve memory
20 LOAD "" CODE 64600 : REM Load UDG sprites
30 POKE 23606,88: POKE 23607,251: REM set UDG sprites
40 PRINT "123 ABC abc"
50 POKE 23606,0: POKE 23607,60: REM set ZX Chars

Files to download:

Program to view 8 demos: Sprites8Demos.tap
Simple BASIC program to change ASCII set: SpritesASCII.tap (You must merge it with your TAP)
BASIC program to better view your TAP SpritesViewer.tap (You must merge it with your TAP)
Cat animation demo CatAnim.tap



(c) 2024 Zarsoft