2024 Pascalated BASIC Contest
(ZX Spectrum)


Win a Tauon PC-1 emulator (ZX Spectrum and others) with just a few lines of a BASIC program!

Planeta Sinclair blog and Arca Lusitana archive present: 2024 Pascalated BASIC Contest.

In 2022 we had a Pascalated BASIC competition but with interpreted BASIC. This time we have a competition with compiled Pascalated BASIC which is much better:



Summary of rules:

A bit of History


The prize
The first prize is a Tauon PC-1 emulator offered by Arca Lusitana archive. The other prizes will be announced soon.
The Tauon PC-1 is an amulator for the ZX Spectrum (and others).
The Tauon PC-1 has HDMI output and the ability to fetch games from the internet.
The deadline is September 30, 2024.
Programming language requirements
Human language
The program can only have 2 languages: Portuguese and/or English (both on the screen and in the listing).
Program submission
The program must be sent to the email: concurso@ArcaLusitana.org
The following files must be sent: source code (.BAS), binary (.TAP), command to compile (.BAT, makefile), file with instructions (if the program does not have them).
Many programs
You can send as many programs as you would like.
You can send as many versions as you want within the deadline. The last version will be the one that will enter the contest.
You can retain the rights to the program but the Planeta Sinclair blog and the Arca Lusitana archive will have the right to place copies on the internet.
The jury (in alphabetical order): André Leão (blog Planeta Sinclair), Zé Oliveira (site Arca Lusitana), João Ramos (museu LOAD ""), Mário Viegas (blog Planeta Sinclair), Filipe Veiga (blog Planeta Sinclair).
Games will be evaluated according to the following criteria: aesthetics (visual), playability (keys), entertainment capacity and program structuring.
Programs of other genres will be evaluated according to their own characteristics.
The jury may change the deadline and/or the number of prizes if the quantity and/or quality of the work so requires.
Jury members cannot compete.

Participants of the 2024 Pascalated BASIC Contest

Handwritten Pascalated BASIC (c) 1987 by ZarSoft
Pascalated BASIC Converter (c) 2021 by ZarSoft
Compiled Boriel Pascalated BASIC (c) 2023 by ZarSoft
Email: info@ArcaLusitana.org